Hello there my loved ones. This topic will cover basics of what you should know as a futre pagan. Let's start with the basics, shall we?


The word “Pagan” is a label that identifies you as a person who agrees with
one or more parts of Pagan philosophy, and who may participate in
observances or practices common to Pagans. In the broadest sense,
Paganism is an umbrella term that describes a multitude of religious and
spiritual traditions.

However, Paganism itself dates since the dawn of time because those first belief systems, spiritual paths were the very basics of how people understood world around themselves. Seeking to understand the very essence of our origin was something that all humans asked themselves and thus, had different opinions about it.

Where to start?

- Get informed on Paganism and Witchcraft as much as possible. Read books on this topic, follow youtube tutorials, read blogs or chat with those who are already into the craft. One can't rush into practicing something that he does not understand. Technically, he could, but without true understanding it's fruitless.
- No need to label yourself yet because labels are not that important as much as your practice in life, your understanding of it and your doing.
- Once you truly understand what Paganism is, question yourself. Is this really for you? You might want to belong in a group but do you feel deep down in your heart you are pagan? If you are, good for you, if not, well, good for you again.

Tools and practice

You might think that tools are the essencial part of practicing magick, however that's not the case. Tools are there just to help you out with your ritual so that your spell works properly. Some people don't use tools at all because their intent is rock solid. They have no doubts in the success of their spell casting.
Remember, tools are only to help you out, they are not in the focus.

Also, don't seek for some expensive tools, good-looking fancy stuff. If you don't have money it is perfectly fine to do things with what you have at the moment.


Intent is described as your will, determination in spell casting. How much you truly believe into the success of the spell you are casting. This is very, very important if not the most important part of practicing magick. Sometimes people feel tired, depressed and they want to perform a spell and it fails. Why? They lack the intent required.

Our thoughts shape our reality. You know very well when you are determined to achieve something in life, you will. If you lack will, you won't. Same thing is with spell casting.

Note: We highly advise you not to practice black magic for it's harmful and it's not something most pagan would support.