Forum is a place where we can share our opinions on any subject and have a pretty healthy communication. These rules are here not to limit your freedom of speech but rather to ensure there are no law violations and also for purpose of preserving friendly atmosphere.

General rules

  • It is forbidden to make any life threats or in any way violate someone's safety.
  • It is forbidden to steal someone's identity by using their photos, personal data, etc..
  • All information posted here by other members are confidential and should not be shared on any other platform unless allowed by member itself.

Posting rules

  • It is forbidden to post any content related to pornography or pedophilia.
  • It is forbidden to share any material with copyright, such as links from TPB (The pirate bay) and other related websites.
  • Any type of discrimination is strictly forbidden.
  • Spamming is forbidden (posting any content unrelated to the topic itself).
  • Flooding is forbidden (writing several posts in a row without letting other members to reply).
  • Any type of advertisement is forbidden.
  • If you are sharing news, please provide source with the link to the news itself.
  • Any communication on politics is forbidden.
  • Do not post everything bolded or italic or underlined. It is important to make your post easier to read.
  • No nudity allowed or any sexual content.  
  • Discussion may get heated at some point but keep your cool, arguments win, not number of insults.
  • Any hacking related content.

Topic rules

  • When naming topics, try to make title descriptive enough. In case description is long, use description under topic title.
  • Avoid using title names such as "Please help", "Problem??", "What to do?". It's of no use and it messes he forum search engine.
  • Before opening new topic, be sure to check if there is none of same content. Duplicates are not allowed and will be either removed or merged with old topic.

Private message rules

  • It is forbidden to advertise your own forum or any products you wish to sale.
  • It is forbidden to ask to become member of forum's staff. Keep up with latest updates on that matter.


  • Avatars can't contain images of politicians, people who committed war crimes, advertisements or pornographic content.
  • Suggested avatar dimensions is 120x120 pixels.